Saturday, October 25, 2008

Settin' up shop!

Since I will likely start my new biz from home, I figured I needed a new Sisterlocks® cabinet to keep all of my 'stuff' are the parts...
Reesie thought she was helping! Ha!
Almost done...but something is always 'not quite right' when I put things together...there was this metal piece that was suppose to go at the top corner and attach to the magnets to keep the doors closed...BUT: they did not make a little starter hole on the door and me and the screwdriver were not workin' it out too well so I gave up....The doors are kinda staying closed, but if the wind blows by them...the open!! LOL!
With my 'stuff' in it!! Just perfect!!...I am waiting for my free 'starter' biz cards from
It's in just need a fatique mat, a chair, and ...SOME CLIENTS!!! ; )
(looked like my 'big-vase-o-stuff' is falling over...I fixed it.)

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