Monday, August 18, 2008

My First Wash Experience!!

So...I finally had the nerve to do my first braid, band and wash!!! I had been scared to wash my hair...yes since May 31! I saw Miss Blenna at 3wks, then 3.5wks later, and this was going to be the longest time in-between tightenings!!! 6.5 weeks!! So I figured I'd give it a try. I already had some slippage and loose hair and Blenna was coming in town 2wks later so what the heck...!
It definitely took me forever bc I also wanted to count how many locks I have!! So each bundle was approx 10 locks and there ended up being about 40 of them so I have over 400 locks in my head!!! I was we all know!
Anyway, I did have a scare after the wash...looked like a bald spot!! I'll do a separate post for that...I am not too hip on this whole blogging thing so I only know how to add pics one below the other! LOL!! I need to learn how to do the collages and stufff!!

My bundles - braided and banded! I didn't have enough of the small rubber bands so I ended up using some regular sized ones that I just happened to have at the house!! That's probably part of why it took me extra long too!! Don't laff!!!


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